Stone Epic Xmas at The Bar on Buena
The holiday season is here & it’s time for amazing beer events! To kick off the holidays, stop into The Bar on Buena on 12.12.13 for a truly epic night!

The Bar on Buena is excited to get into the holiday spirit the right way–with amazing craft beer! Join the BOB crew on 12.12.13 & raise a glass to Stone Brewing’s Vertical Epic Series. During this Stone Epic Xmas event, The Bar on Buena will be tapping a year-old barrel of 12.12.12–the ultimate in the Stone Vertical Epic Series. This beauty of a barrel has been cellaring for a year specifically for this day. It was a hit last year and, as many things improve with age, it has only gotten better.
As if that wasn’t enough to pull you in, The BOB has also unearthed barrels of the penultimate 11.11.11 and 10.10.10. Enjoy, compare, rank and drink all three in a Vertical Flight. This is the culmination of 12 years of Stone Brewing greatness as it is meant to be experienced.
To quote from, “Each one is unique to its year of release. Each with its own ‘twist & turn’ in the plot line.”
For more information, check out the Facebook Event Page.
With this event, it’s sure to be an epic night with The Bar on Buena and Stone Brewing!
Thursday, December 12
7:00 p.m.
The Bar on Buena
910 W. Buena
Chicago, IL