small bar division

Chicago Craft Beer Week Is Near!
Chicago Craft Beer Week is Thursday, May 16-Sunday, May 26! Below are some amazing events hosted by Bar on Buena, Fountainhead & SmallBar Division–celebrate in…
Wedding Events, Heirloom Classes, Sour Ales, OH MY!
It may be a new year, but great food & beer events have certainly not gone out of style! The Green Wedding Alliance, SmallBar Division…
Get Into the Holiday Spirit with Great Food, Beer & Chocolate Events
It’s that time of year again…holiday lights, frost on the windows…oh, and don’t forget great food, beer & chocolate events! It’s a busy season, but…
Events for the Holiday Season
The snow flurries in the air are a sign that the holiday season is almost in full swing! SmallBar Division and Purple Asparagus have great…
Oskar Blues Launch Events
Colorado-based Oskar Blues Brewery, the first craft brewery in the country to put craft beer in a can nearly a decade ago, is celebrating its…
Beer, Food & Confections!
Summer is in full swing—and this Chicago weather is not letting us forget it! The end-of-summer months are filled with great beer, food and chocolate…
Chicago Craft Beer Week: SmallBar Division Style
Chicago Craft Beer Week is Thursday, May 17-Sunday, May 27 and all week long SmallBar Division will be hosting fun tap events with delicious craft…
Celebrate Mother’s Day with Special Menus from SmallBar Division and Bread & Wine
It’s May…which means Mother’s Day is just around the corner! If you haven’t planned anything yet, don’t worry. SmallBar Division and Bread & Wine have…